Again this brief is entirely creative and we have no boundaries. I needed to come up with three concepts and execute one.
I started by looking at sports companies and companies that produce shoes including Nike, Reebok, Adidas Converse and Supra and also other high street shops including Garage shoes etc.
I have looked at different backgrounds that the shoes and laces have been shot on and taken note of different angles and perspectives used. However I wanted to come up with something a little more dynamic and creative.
I researched laces on the Internet and found that there are literally hundreds of different types from flats, rounds, fatties, glow in the dark, twin tone, fades and every different colour imaginable.
I started to think about the used of string and cotton and if I would be able to replace them with Shoe laces. I also thought about using shoelace sweets in some form.
I didn't want to necessarily use shoes within my image and so looked more towards fashion photography.
Paper mache hearts.Some of my initial ideas included making paper mache hearts, paining them red and cutting them in half. I would then use the shoe laces almost like stitches to sew them the halves back together again. This I would shoot with fairly dramatic low lighting using one key light to create a moody style shot.
Hair.I came up with the idea of making a wig from laces and shooting a model with white powder on her face, black hair (laces) and cherry red lips. The colours will hopefully look really striking and with it being a head shot you will be able to see the ends of the laces on the fringe that I am going to create.
Corset.Again sticking to the fashion industry I have recently made a corset, which is currently tightened using ribbon. This I plan to change for the shoelaces. The corset would be on the right hand side of the frame leaving the left hand side of the image plain white. I want to try to include 3/4 of the corset so that the left hand side of the persons waist can be seen, the centre of the corset and the shoe shoe laces can be seen and the rest of her drifts off the end of the page.
Fireworks.With bonfire night looming, I turned my ideas to how I could interpret this using shoe laces. I had the idea to shoot some fluorescent laces on a black background in the shape of fireworks. I wanted to try and recreate a Catherine wheel by wrapping lots of different colours together. Then in Photoshop edit the image and blur it slightly to give it the sense that it is moving and merge some of the colours.
Stitches.I have also thought about using shoe laces as stitches using fake wounds attached to different parts of a models body. These obviously would have to be the thinnest type that I could find so that it would work correctly. I have ordered some white rounded laces with metal tips. In Photoshop I intend to change this metal tip into a needle
Knife.The final idea I had was to shoot a large metal knife with blood dripping attached and suspended in the air with a lace. For dramatic effect I would shoot this against black so that the knife, blood and lace stood out prominently.