Monday, April 19, 2010

Promotional material plan

After spending some time looking at promotional material from other photographers and stylists I had a rough idea of what I wanted to generate.
The first thing I did was to look for an image that worked both in colour and in black and white. I spent considerable time on this, as it this may be the first time that someone sees material that links me to my business.I wanted something that was quite neutral and not too striking yet showed my abilities with relation to photographic practice and so chose a spa themed shot as it showed my skill with lighting.

As my last name is Green, I thought that it would be a good idea to use this as a base colour for my promotional material. I spent several hours playing around with different colours and saturation in order to gain the desired effect.
For the type face I wanted something that was both easy to read but yet bold and made a statement. I also wanted to create some depth to the text and so have used different percentages of colour to create this.

I think that it important not to put too much information onto postcards and business cards as they are relatively small and I did not want it to appear like there was too much text. Because of this I kept it simple and straight to the point and added my name, occupation, address and contact details both for my mobile and email.

Promotional material is a great way to become recognised and so I also included a web address. This allows potential clients to look at the type of work I produce before contacting me in person.
Furthermore it helps to show the type of clients that I am currently involved with. Some clients like to know that you can shoot their type of products for example fashion or food photography and by having a range of images on my website they can see what type of shots I produce within their area.

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