Over reading week we were required to shoot an old building of our choice, and select 5 of our favourite images.
As I live a considerable way from Wakefield, I decided to shoot the church in the middle of Doncaster town centre. This church is currently being extended to become a cathedral, so the spaces that I could shoot were limited, as I did not want to get building equipment in my shots.
Before going on location to shoot, I decided to do a bit of research into church building photography and the location itself. I already decided that I wanted the church to look mysterious and almost Gothic and looked at several photographers, including Jay Soto.
He specialises in Gothic photography and shoots mainly people and old buildings.
Some of his work can be seen below.
I love the coldness created in several of theses shots. I think that the blue works well with the bricks and give a real Gothic feel to the pictures. He also shows the detail of the buildings he shoots, which was something I tried to replicate on my shoot.
The day of the shoot...
I looked at the weather forecast for the week and planned to shoot on the Tuesday, as the weather was ideal with blue skies with some cloud, therefore giving lots of natural light. I also calculated that between the hours of 11- and 2 was when i would be able to get the best light both for daylight and shadows on the building by using google maps and working out which way the building faced to the sun.
Some of its most prominent parts of the buildings are some spike like turrets and these gave real character to the building. I experimented with different filters and settings on my camera to generate my pictures.
I have imported my original shots into lightroom and edited them slightly by changing the contrast, saturation exposure etc. As you can see I have tried to replicate some of the tonal values found in Jay Sato's pictures in my own images but also kept my own style.